Look Inward But Not Forever

I was having a slightly stressful day the other day. I’m currently in this really exciting life transition, but with transitions comes the unknown. Where will I work? Where will I live? What am I doing with my life?! These are pretty big questions that if not broken down can spiral you into an anxious ball. The other day I had “a day”. One amazing constant in my life is teaching yoga at Greatist. Monday morning I rolled out my mat to start planning a 3rd chakra class. Then Tuesday I was a slightly anxious ball and rolled my mat out again to practice the class and 20 minutes in I realized I was lost in the poses. All I was thinking about was sequencing and music and the asana and breath. I wasn’t thinking about what I’m doing with my life, wasn’t thinking about dating, wasn’t thinking about money or which coast to live on. I was lost in the asana and it felt GREAT. 

Fast forward to a class this morning and the teacher spoke about introspection. She talked about how our yoga practice is there to help us look inward, reflect, gain wisdom, etc. And I was nodding thinking yes! And you can get lost in the introspection and it’s great. She then went on to say that the point of introspection it to then go live life. Looking inward just helps us move forward in a better way and impact the world positively. Soo while my getting lost and forgetting about reality felt nice in the moment, it’s not the point. Class this morning was a nice reminder to not only look inward, but to look inward and allow that introspection to actually guide you and help you make life decisions. It was also a reminder to just keep practicing! While these life questions can seem both exciting and also really scary, the practice helps organize those questions and thoughts and eventually provides some answers or at least a little guidance.