On Patience

On Patience

I have written so many things that I just haven’t posted and now if I posted those essays they would all be crossed out. So rather than posting a bunch of crossed out words I’ll talk about right here right now. Long story short… moving back to CA after living in NYC for 8 years is hard. (note the present tense even after 4 months). And these 4 months have been such a roller coaster of highs and lows, laughs and tears, adventures and solitude.

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On Gratitude

On Gratitude

It is so easy to get caught up on silly problems, and sure everything is relative, but I’ve gotta take a step back. It’s sort of in my personality to dwell and obsess and maybe it’s the Virgo in me… but I’m a perfectionist. And sometimes I have to actively stop myself from dwelling too much (thank you first therapist!) and spiraling and texting every friend to entertain my stress.

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Be Kinder

Be Kinder

I went to Burning Man. This post isn’t about naked Thursday or watching endless sunrises (unfortunately). It’s about a very simple lesson learned. Burning Man is this magical made up city created by you and me with hundreds of art installations, hundreds of camps offering pancakes and hotdogs and bloody mary’s, 70,000 people, lots of dust, and even more love.

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Stop. Breathe it in.

Stop. Breathe it in.

“Stop. Breathe it in!” I kept saying on a recent trip. So I quit my job and jetted to Europe for a month (another story) and as I escaped and landed in Europe I just stopped doing and let myself breathe. Usually, people leave jobs and already have a job lined up. This time around I forced myself to just stop, not take the next thing that pops up and is easy, and just let myself take a step back and figure out what I REALLY want to do with my life. (sidenote: saving is important!)

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On Yoga Teacher Training

On Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga training! I had big dreams of creating a website right off the bat and blogging everyday and giving a play by play of yoga training and write down everything I learned and then yoga training started. Yoga training is the best experience ever but it’s a massive time suck emotionally, physically, energetically, mentally, all the things.. in the best way possible.

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