Future Person vs. Current Me

“I wonder who our future people will be” is what I asked my good friend over Christmas. Assuming she’d indulge me and agree and respond with “omg I know I really wonder! ug dating” I was actually shocked when she answered with something completely opposite and rather inspiring. So inspiring I used it as my dharma talk in class the other week. She went on to say that she is not wondering. We know we’ll meet someone if we want to, she isn’t concerned about that. She said we need to choose our present moment. We have the choice to find happiness, to ask for a raise, to change jobs, to go out and date, to save and buy a house, to move wherever we want, do do anything. She made the point that we don’t have to “wait to meet someone” for anything to happen. 

This stuck with me because I often think about where I’ll meet future person. If I meet them in NYC will they want to move to California or will I be on the east coast forever? Is being on the east coast forever even a bad thing? Should I pick up and move to California now so I can find said person? What if I meet someone tomorrow then can’t travel the world for a year? What if I meet that person and can’t live in London, Colorado, or any other city that provides another little life adventure. I’m so independent so it’s pretty amusing that these thoughts even run through my mind. My friend reminded me to not care, to screw that, and to push that thought aside. And instead live life, live in this moment how I want it to be lived. What do I want? Do I want to travel? Go travel. Live in London? Try really hard to get a visa and do it. Save money to buy a condo or something one day? I can start saving today. 

Happiness really comes from within. Loving yourself is the most important relationship you can have becuase you’re with that person forever (surprise!) Life happens. And life is random but exciting. I’m going to start digging deep inside and figure out what I REALLY want. What do I want today and in the next year. And I think I’ll be a little selfish when I start brainstorming. 

my wise friend


