Finding the Time

As I mentioned previously I challenged myself to meditate and write every morning in January. I also promised some updates! I’m happy to say that I have in fact meditated and journaled every day so far and it’s now become second nature— it takes 21 days to change or build a habit right?! 

One of my 2017 intentions was to make mornings awesome and adding meditation and journaling has been really amazing. I like getting up (still a struggle and maybe this will be a February challenge!), getting ready, then meditating before I get dressed. I’ve been using both Headspace and Calm. I use Headspace when I’m not feeling rushed and have 10 minutes and Calm when I am feeling rushed and have 5 minutes. Even typing this is kinda of nuts! We all HAVE ten minutes in our day and for me I know it’s just getting out of bed (see above). After I’ve meditated I grab my journal. Here’s the problem… when it’s a struggle to get out of bed, then I feel rushed, then I sometimes only write a paragraph. The other day made me laugh because in 55 minute I did 15 minutes of yoga, did two blogilates videos, meditated for 5 minutes, journaled for 2 minutes, drank lemon water, showered, got ready, and was out the door for an 8:30am event. This made me think… making mornings awesome is a great goal but at what cost? Feeling rushed and fitting everything in? Is that good? Or do you choose two from that list and spend some quality time on both?

A tool that has kept me on track is an app called Way of Life. For free you can track three habits so I’m currently tracking meditation, journaling, and no alcohol! There is something satisfying about seeing green across the board. I’ve definitely decided to not pour a glass of wine at home to put in another green. (I’m a go big or go home type of girl). Meditation has been a really nice pause and I like noticing my emotional state each time I sit down. For the most part I’m calm but sometimes my heart is racing! I’ve always loved journaling but it’s been really cool seeing what my stream of consciousness is like first thing. It varies from work, love, life, moving, fitness, food, alcohol, writing angry letters to people, really everything!

I’ve also recently added one more thing into my make mornings awesome goal— lemon water! I went to this amazing holistic wellness breakfast with The Wellness Project and learned some solid holistic life hacks. The two biggest takeaways were lemon water in the morning and taking a daily probiotic. 

I’m taking baby steps toward making my mornings awesome, and I am proud to say meditation and writing has been consistent this past month. I think I’ll focus on the 10 minute meditation and 3 full pages rather than a paragraph, but I still think anything is great. Ah isn’t everything a lesson in self love and compassion?
