Same Old

Eight years ago I moved from lovely Santa Monica to the big apple. I didn’t move becuase I was unhappy or disliked my life or Santa Monica. I left because I actually loved it and maybe loved it too much. I know this sounds weird right? By loved it too much I mean life got static. Life was good! Life was easy and fun. I had a pretty stable job, lived with my best friends, had a 4 minute commute, went to the famer’s market every weekend, and worked out outdoors often. I was living the CA life! But I wasn’t exactly feeling challenged and everything was a little too easy. I was 23 at the time and I had always wanted to live in NYC… so after a trip to Australia, a massive pro and con list, I moved! 


(from LA to NYC)

Fast forward eight years and I’m still living a wonderful NYC life! But as a born and raised Southern Californian, eight years is long! Long but also unlimited. I still have yet to eat at a fraction of the amazing restaurants in this city. The culture is unreal, the energy is full and bustling, and I love the life I’ve created here. Sound familiar? Years ago when my mom was sick and I didn’t love my job, I was talking with my therapist about making some life changes. She told me that sometimes stability, comfort, static energy, calm, normal, all those safe words, is okay and actually necessary. When life is in shambles you need stability. So I’ve always lived my life seeing it in those two ways— is static energy and comfort necessary right now or too safe? 

“How are you doing?” is a question I hear often and usually answer with however I’m feeling! But twice this month I said “same old” and it freaked me out. Like my wise therapist said, when my life was in shambles, answering “how are you doing?” with “same old” is awesome and necessary, but when life is not in shambles answering with “same old” is scary and eye opening. I think the average person would answer same old and move on, but I saw this as a sign, something I wanted to share in all my yoga class dharma talks, write about, and dig deeper. Like eight years ago, my life is great. It’s comfortable (well as comfortable it can be living in NYC), it’s fun, I live in the cutest studio near some of my best friends. I love the work I do. I graduated from yoga training last year and actually teach. So is everything too comfortable? Is it time for change? Do I have to force that change to happen? Am I pursuing my dreams and passions or am I playing it a little safe? I clearly don’t have the answers just yet, but that “same old” was big for me. Along with reading “You Are a Badass”, that answer has really made me think about my life! Do I want to be closer to my sister? Do I want to teach full time? Do I want another adventure in London or Australia before “settling” and likely answering same old for the rest of my life? It sounds silly writing, but leaving NYC will be one of hte hardest things I do! Same old can be awesome, but this same old is different… stay tuned!