Flip It

One of my favorite teachers talks a lot about stories. Not fictional bed time stories, but the kind of stories from childhood that we’ve kept with us and use as excuses. Those thoughts that pop into our heads as adults and stop us from moving forward, pursuing dreams, diving head first into a relationship, finding your truth. “I have daddy issues so I can’t trust men.” “My parents didn’t value money and spent it all, so how could I possible learn how to save?” These lingering stories add a little speed bump in our road to living our best lives! 

So I’m really superstitious and slightly OCD (I believe every person who lives alone has got to be slightly OCD). I don’t think I’ve ever walked under a ladder and every time I see a heads up penny (heads up only) I pick it up because “see a penny pick it up now all day you’ll have good luck” right?! I remember one time I even put out a bunch of heads up pennies so others could find them and add some luck to their day. 

The other day I was walking and luckily found a heads up penny, put it in my pocket, thought about the phrase, and went on with my day. That night I went to a reiki event at Pure Yoga with Kelsey J. Patel. We spent quality time writing out our intentions, how we envision ourselves in 5 years, evaluated how we ranked our mental and physical health, and received reiki. Kelsey was responding to someone who shared what they want to overcome and asked how long they’ve been playing victim for. She then started talking about stories we create and that we have the power to change them. Who’s to say we just have to go along with the ending? We have the power to craft and shape our lives into exactly what we want and can change the beginning, middle, and end. She then brought up the lucky penny belief and told us if we see a penny that isn’t heads up…. flip it over. *mind blown* How simple is that? In life we can just flip the coin. You don’t like where your life is heading? You aren’t happy in your relationship? You want to pursue a new dream? Just do it. Make a change and do it.

I’ll always be superstitious, so I’m not sure I’ll physically flip over a penny and keep it, but this perspective shift is so powerful. It relates to every aspect of my life and I’m excited to examine every situation with the lens and knowledge that I can just flip it.