Take the Leap

Take the Leap

I’ve been practicing yoga for about 10 years now. Sounds like a long time but it really is just a blink of an eye in this thing called life (and so on). Pantanjali talks a lot about Sthira and Sukha in the sutras (authoritative text on yoga and a series of threads of wisdom offering guidelines to live a meaningful and purposeful life). Sthira and Sukha translates to steadiness and ease. This push and pull… energy and calm. Sthira can also mean steadfast, courageous, and strong. Sukha can mean gentle, easy, and delightful.  Sutra 2.46 translates to “posture (asana) [should be] stable (sthira) and comfortable (sukha).” 

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Not Really My Style

Not Really My Style

There are so many ways we can practice yoga and so many variations of asana. Asana is just one of the eight limbs of yoga and even though it’s the most popular in the western world, it’s the third on the list after yama and niyama. We’ll get to those another day! Did a quick google search and found a list with 14 styles of yoga and Sri Dharma Mittra photographed himself doing 1350 asana postures. My point is there are a lot of ways you can practice yoga.

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Future Person vs. Current Me

Future Person vs. Current Me

“I wonder who our future people will be” is what I asked my good friend over Christmas. Assuming she’d indulge me and agree and respond with “omg I know I really wonder! ug dating” I was actually shocked when she answered with something completely opposite and rather inspiring. So inspiring I used it as my dharma talk in class the other week. She went on to say that she is not wondering. We know we’ll meet someone if we want to, she isn’t concerned about that. She said we need to choose our present moment.

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Do you have a soul?

Do you have a soul?

We were approaching the end of our yoga teacher training and ayurveda was one of the last (and most epic) weekends.  As we slowly wandered into the room, our teacher for the weekend walked in, turned off the fan, set up, sat down, and sat in silence creating our sacred space for the weekend. We all immediately stopped talking, sat in a half circle, leaned in, waited, eager to listen. "Do you have a soul?" our teacher asked. I remember nodding and being like yeahh i have a soul. As I looked around everyone for the most part was also nodding and saying ya. "No. You are a soul in a humans body". WORLD ROCKED. 

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Ujjayi Breathing

Ujjayi Breathing

The practice of pranayama helps reduce waste matter in the body by directing the agni, the fire of life.  Pranayama consists of two parts: prana and ayama. Ayama means stretch or extend and prana is “that which is indefinitely everywhere” or energy and is something the flows continuously inside of us—vitality. If there is every a time where there isn’t enough room for prana it means it’s being forced out by the rubbish, so pranayama removes that junk to create space for prana to flow. 

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